My favorite movie.


Picking a favorite movie is not easy for me, since I enjoy a lot of different kind of movies, of many different genres. But if there is one movie that has won my heart, it is Lord of the Rings, Return of the King. It is the perfect conclusion to my favorite movie saga, giving it an epic and satisfactory conclusion, using situations that bring many different emotions such as fear, nervousness, anxiety and joy. Fantasy has always been my first choice when it comes to movie genre, being a fan of epic battles, large scale conflict, and the use of magic, ancient artifacts, and other items of that style. And speaking of fantasy, I have just recently watched The Wizard of Oz, a very old movie that has not aged well when it comes to visuals, but it’s story, music and general setting end up being quite entertaining, being easy to understand how it became an all-time classic. I fully recommend watching it, if the old school makeup, effects and quality are not a big annoyance for you at all.


  1. The lord of the rings is an amazing movie, I have almost the same taste in movies as you

  2. I love J.R.R Tolkien, my favorite book is The Silmarillion, but Return of the King is very nice too


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