A country I'd like to visit.


I have always liked cold places a lot. It is not everyday that I get to see snow, so a snowy country would be ideal. Even better if they also speak a language I know. That is why Canada is my option, even though I fear I would have to learn some French as well, since I know some cities of the country use French as main language rather than English. I would love to tour around some cities and visit some monuments, like the CN Tower, which is one of the biggest towers in the world, located in Toronto. I would also like to stay in Canada for a little longer, not just as a tourist but also a Student, since I have heard that Canada’s Biochemistry careers are pretty good. Being a cold, beautiful destination, where I can not only tour bur also learn, Canada is my perfect option, and I would have to think about others.


  1. I like the cold places too, and canada houses one of my nba favorites team, Toronto Raptops.

  2. Oh my god, I love Toronto too, It is a good place to live and since I like cold places, it is a good choice.

  3. Why is biochemistry so good in Canadá?
    Do they have a bigger research area?

  4. Omg, I didn't know about the tower, it sound amazing to visit


  5. I love cold weather! I have a biochemist friend who lived in Canada, and it's true science is much better valued than in this country.


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